Spectres du passé
Les images présentées ici ont été prises selon la technique du « Intentional Camera Movement ». La série est intitulée « Spectres du passé ». Le mouvement intentionnel de la caméra crée un effet qui étire le temps et le transformer en espace. Le mouvement effectué au moment de la prise photographique semble créer un processus mettant en œuvre un spectre du moment passé.
The images presented here were taken using the "Intentional Camera Movement" technique. The series is entitled "Ghosts of the Past". The intentional movement of the camera creates an effect that stretches time and transforms it into space. The movement at the moment of taking the photograph seems to create a process involving ghosts of the past.
"In the act of looking the viewer entangles the visual, spatial dimensions of the image with his of her memories." (p. 142)
Van Alphen, E. (2018). Failed images. Photography and its counter-practices. Amsterdam: Valiz
Ways of seeing
work – tool –
. Interstices